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User Feedback/TestimonialsThe following is genuine feedback from my members. I really haven't made any of it up. Don H. - USA September 28th 1997, Re - In Memory Of Diana, Princess Of Wales, Screen Saver - Thank you, thank you, x many Sue September 22nd 1997, Re - In Memory Of Diana, Princess Of Wales, Screen Saver - You have really impressed all the people here at the office with your Screen Saver. Everyone here, including myself, loved the poem and the pictures are so clear and perfect. It is the most amazing Screen Saver. I'm starting to draw a crowd here around my PC. All everyone wants me to do is to turn up the volume and show them the Screen Saver again and again. I'm not getting work done at all this morning. M.M. - South Africa September 19th 1997, Re - Yosemite Screen Saver - The Screen saver is terrific! Very clever! I love the animals -- the wolf's reaction to the bear is great as is the owl who can't seem to stop "bouncing off or into" things! Also, nice image and great sounds. S.O. - U.S.A. September 11th 1997, Re - In Memory Of Diana, Princess Of Wales, Screen Saver - I downloaded the Screen Saver and when I installed it, I was totally amazed. It is absolutely beautiful, the pictures and the music will live on forever in her memory. M.P. - U.S.A. September 7th 1997, Re - In Memory Of Diana, Princess Of Wales, Screen Saver - The Memorial screen saver works beautifully! Love the music and the scenes/photos are perfect. It is a lovely tribute and a perfect companion to Pat Ames' (Nekbyter) Theme tribute to Diana. S.O. - U.S.A. September 5th 1997, Re - In Memory Of Diana, Princess Of Wales, Screen Saver - It's a tasteful, stunning tribute to your Princess, and the poem, with the faded background looks stunning as well. Maybe it will help people to get a little closure of this incomprehenseable tragedy. I love the last shot of Lady Di's face. It is the kind of tribute, that will comfort people, in this time of world wide sorrow. J.S. - U.S.A. August 1st 1997, Re Guide To England & Times Tables -I took time last night to go through your tour of England. Very nice, so nice that you could easily write educational programs for English schools. I also had tried out the "Times" program and while my three grandsons are still too young for it, I think it would be a fun way for them to practice, when they come to learning them. For a while I forgot the name of the Tour program, I have so much on my computer, both hardware and software, that I had to go back to your page and start a download,just so I could get the name. Well worth the wait- Your work is very nice, and I'm sure many others think so too. I will look forward to visiting your page area many times in the future. J.S. - U.S.A. July 23rd 1997, Re Siputt - Ok, but not complex in terms of graphics or difficulty in terms of the plethora of commercial games available. My 11 y.o. son plays golf himself, and has Links LS on our PC for his virtual golf satisfaction, and really enjoys it. G.A. - Australia July 21st 1997, Re Siputt - The game took about five minutes to download, and it is wonderful. We just played it last night for the first time. I downloaded it for my grandsons 6 and 7, and I know they will enjoy it a lot. My husband, who has never touched a mouse or come near a computer, was coaxed to learn the game, and he was very enthusiastic about, and is looking forward to playing it again, and it is also great for teaching the novice on the computer. You did a very good job of it, and I hope you have much good luck in your future work. Will look forward to any other work you put online. J.S. - U.S.A. October 31st 1997 - I have downloaded 4 screen savers and everyone of them is wonderful thankyou keep up the goodwork October 31st 1997, Re - Solar System Screen Saver - What a great idea for a Screen Saver - we homeschool our three children so this will be a wonderful addition for their education. Thanks for making it available. H.S. - USA October 31st 1997 - All screen savers work great and are very enjoyable! S.O. - USA October 31st 1997 - I love your Screen Savers. I stumbled upon your site while looking for Princess Diana remembrances(?).Have never been dissapointed with any of your downloads. Thank you so much for all your hard work. I look forward to your next update letter. M.M. - USA October 25th 1997, Re - In Memory Of Diana, Princess Of Wales, Screen Saver - Thank you for the screen savers...They are very enjoyable...The one with Princess Di...is my favorite one....The screen savers are very easy to download..than I have found yet. Again Thank You... C.F. October 22nd 1997, Re - In Memory Of Diana, Princess Of Wales, Screen Saver - Just to let you know that I put the Diana screen saver on the computer while the children were at school. I left the computer on when they came home and when the screen saver came on they all stopped and gathered around the computer. They smiled and they cried. They all love it. My children are ages 11, 9, 8 and 6. I just wanted to say a job well done and very much appreciated. Thank You. Babs October 21st 1997, Re - In Memory Of Diana, Princess Of Wales, Screen Saver - I think your Screen Saver of Princess Diana is wonderful. Thank you so much for creating such a beautiful screen saver of her and her life. The poem was very lovely also. Your friend did a wonderful job with it too... K.M October 20th 1997, Re - In Memory Of Diana, Princess Of Wales, Screen Saver - Your Diana Screen Saver has been seen and admired by a lot of Maltese friends, almost all medics or paramedics. It's really nice. Well done. A.J.P. - Malta October 17th 1997, Re - Butterflies & Frogs Screen Savers - I really love them both, I like the frog one best though between the two. I have bookmarked your page and visit it often , was glad to get your e-mail though. Sharon October 16th 1997, Re - Yosemite Screen Saver - I just want you to know that I love the Yosemite Screen Saver and am downloading the butterfly and frog ones. I also have the times table for my granchildren. I got your Diana Screen Saver, I just love your work. Thank you Sharon October 16th 1997, Re - In Memory Of Diana, Princess Of Wales, Screen Saver - Thankyou so much for developing this saver it is quite lovely. Dy October 12th 1997, Re - In Memory Of Diana, Princess Of Wales, Screen Saver - l down loaded the Diana Screen Saver, thanks for making such a lovely tribute. l thought it was lovely. Thankyou Debbie November 29th 1997 - Re SiBowl - I really do enjoy your software. Myself and kiddies have played your Sibowl nonstop. Many thanks Graham - U.K. November 29th 1997 - Re SiBowl - I have downloaded the bowling game successfully and I'm having a lot of fun with it. Thank you and congratulations on your creative genious. Regards and Happy Xmas. A.P. - Malta November 23rd 1997 - Re Yosemite - Hi! I have the Yosemite screen saver and I love it! People at work are all crazy about it too. I have even shared it with my brother who thinks Yosemite is as close to heaven as we can get here on earth and he loved it! Thanks so much for all you are doing for others! Marylee - U.S.A. November 21st 1997 - Hi! I just wanted to send you a note to tell you how much I enjoy your Screen Savers. I have the butterflies, frogs and pooh & tigger and love them all. I especially appreciate the fact that yours download and install very easily. I have had some problems with others. Thanks for sharing your talents. They are very much appreciated. Donna :-) November 21st 1997 - I can't say enough. I went to the ADHD pages and was reading them and have bookmarked them for my daughter to see when she comes to visit, I have downloaded everything you have here. I can't wait for my grandson to see the Solar System screen saver and the games that you have put on here. IT is just wonderful what you are doing and very much appreciated and loved being able to see and read about you the person behind all this,wonderful, just wonderful !!!! S.N. - U.S.A November 21st 1997 - Just wanted you to know that I really enjoy your site. I have three kids ages 11,7 and 4 and they all love your Screen Savers and games. Keep up the good work. Thanks, Angie November 18th 1997 Re - Yosemite - Hello. Just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy your Yosemite Screen Saver. It's great. I am very picky about what displays on my screen - especially when I'm not there. So my collection of savers is small - but high quality. Keep up the good work. S.A. - USA November 17th 1997 Re - Yosemite - It is very pretty, and when the owl came flying into the screen, I thought that was so cute. The entire Screen Saver is very beautiful. You do wonderful work. G.S. - Canada November 15th 1997 - Thanks for letting me know that your site has changed ,I have just dropped by and think the changes are great! I really enjoyed your Screen Savers' yosimite and the solar system ,I haven't tried the new ones yet as I have just downloaded them. Please could you continue to inform me of any changes (I will drop by from time to time). Many Thanks Graham - U.K. November 15th 1997, Re - SiBowl - Very nice site. Your bowling has been a big hit with my grandsons. Thank you for sharing. M.C. - USA November 15th 1997 - Great !!!! Just great , I am so glad that you got a bigger and better web page. I have a son and a grandson that is ADHD and my son was ADBD and the good news is that my son has out grew it and is doing great , he is 16, but there was nothing out there like this to help and I am hoping that these programs of yours will help him, I think that your programs are the best I have seen. Thanks for doing a great job and community service.There should be more people like you out there.
A grateful Mother and Grandma November 5th 1997, Re - Butterflies & Frogs Screen Savers - Thanks for the very beautiful screen savers (butterfly and frogs). They add color to what I'm doing. THANKS. Ronnie December 29th 1997 - Re Butterflies - Thank you. I just downloaded the butterfly screen saver. I really like butterflies and thank you very much for such a lovely screen saver. Linda December 28th 1997 - Re Santa - I'm just writing to you to tell you how wonderful I think your Screen Savers are. A friend of mine sent me the Give a thought for Santa one and I enjoyed it soooo much! It's a hoot! Like watching a mini movie. You are so creative and I will be passing along your web site to friends and using it again myself, that's for sure!! I'm d/l the butterflies one now......and intend to get more of your things. It's great that you are willing to make things like this available to us computer buffs at no charge. Thank you so much for all your hard work. Lynnette - Washington December 26th 1997 - Re Santa - I am extremely impressed with your Screen Savers... I just downloaded the Spare a thought for Santa last night and think it's great! I've decided to check them all out now. Thank you for giving your artistic gifts so generously. Carole - Philadelphia December 26th 1997 - Re Santa - Thank you for the great screen saver. My kids have spent hours just watching it. Robert - Florida December 25th 1997 - Re Santa - We love your xmas screen saver. Have had it on both our systeems here at home all season. Youve got a great tallent. Merry Christmass to You and Yours. Keith December 24th 1997 - Re Diana - Excellant Diana Screen Saver, its nice to see such a fine tribute to a wonderful lady instead of people trying to cash in on photos of her death. Your site will be highly recomended. G.S. - U.K December 24th 1997 I am glad I found your site. I fell in love with the Pooh Screen Saver....didn't even know one existed! The Christmas one is cute as it can be. You do quality work. Be proud of yourself....and you do it for the perfect cause....your son. S.W. - U.S.A December 23rd 1997 - Re Santa - Your Santa screen saver is so funny! Thanks for sharing it! Susan December 22nd 1997 - Re Santa - I really liked the santa one , we show it to everyone who comes over, just thought I'd let you know we liked it. Donna December 22nd 1997 - Re Santa - I just had to write to you and thank you for the great SANTA Screen Saver....it is great and I have shown it to everyone. I have found myself sitting and watching this screen saver often and continue to laugh as though seeing it for the first time. Again a million thats and I look forward to your other screen savers. P.K. December 22nd 1997 Thank you for allowing me to download your Screen Savers. I am especially enjoying Taz and the ADD tornado. 3 of my grandchildren are ADD and I can relate. I also have Santa running and he's great too. Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year. Marilyn - U.S.A December 22nd 1997 - Re Santa - I have installed the santa screen saver it is great, haven't stoped laughing yet. D.H. - U.S.A December 21st 1997 - Re Santa - I ENJOYED YOUR SANTA Screen Saver! MY 9 YEAR OLD ESPECIALLY LIKES THE REINDEER AFTER EATING ALFALFA. WE ALSO GET A KICK OUT OF THE TIMES TABLES. HE NOTICED THE CHANGING BOXER SHORTS. S.A.S. December 21st 1997 - Re Santa - Just a note to tell you that your Santa Screen Saver is my default this season.I find it funny, if a bit irreverent. Here's to Happy Holidays to you and yours and the best of New Years. J.H. December 21st 1997 - Re Pooh and Tigger - Just love your Pooh & Tigger Screen Saver. My sister in law will be having her first baby any day now and the baby's room theme is...guess what?....Winnie the Pooh. When I ran across your Screen Saver on the net I just had to have it to give to her. She'll love it! Jelene December 20th 1997 - Re Santa - "Spare a Thought for Santa" is a delight! Thank you for your hard work and sharing. Good luck and much happiness to you and yours this Holiday Season! J.F. - U.S.A December 20th 1997 - Re Santa - Thank you for the update on your page. I downloaded the santa ssaver and my whole family likes it, we have a 5 year old girl and she just sits and watches it and listens to the christmas music. Please keep me up on any updates that you have or any other programs that you are putting on your page. Again thank you very much we really appreciate everything . Emory December 20th 1997 - Re Santa - Hi Simon, thank you for the nice Screen Savers you created and offers for free download. My wife is fond of the diana-Screen Saver and my children of pooh and tigger. Yesterday I downloaded your new Screen Saver ( Spare a Thought for Santa ). I installed him, started him and the whole of my family was watching Santa and the reindeers, enjoyed the music and had a lot of fun. Thank you for that nice Christmas present. Benno December 20th 1997 - Re Diana - I was very pleased to find a Screen Saver of 'the queen of harts'. This is great to see her on my computer when I have nothing to do. She was a marvellous woman and there can't be done enough to remember her. Love it! L.C. - The Netherlands December 19th 1997 Thank you for making your software available on the web. As a programmer, I know how much time and effort goes into producing good software. As for the website, I tend to browse with images off and your site doesn't force me to load them to use the site. The design is clear, clean, concise and loads quickly. B.B. - U.S.A December 19th 1997 I absolutely love your stuff. My 15 year old son is also ADHD and he enjoys the programs here as much as I do. Thank you so much! B.D. - U.S.A December 19th 1997 - Re Santa - I loved the Santa Screen Saver!!! Passed your link onto my friends... thanks for taking the time to share these...God Bless you and your family... Debbie - U.S.A December 19th 1997 - Re Santa - I think your Christmas screen saver is one of the best yet,that includes those made commercially. We have 3 foster children 21/2 year old girl,10 year old boy (adhd)and 8 year old boy with behaviour problems . Since running your program I get no work done (screen saver only please) have to lock them out to work A.C. December 18th 1997 - Re Santa - Your Screen Saver " Spare a thought for Santa this Christmas " is fantastic .. Many Thanks for it . A.G. December 18th 1997 - Re Santa - I think your Santa Screen Saver is OUTSTANDING! I love the way the music fits the situation. The saver is cute and very original and very appropriate for this time of year. D.M. - U.S.A December 18th 1997 - Re Times Tables - Hi, My son is 9 and ADHD as well. I just downloaded the Times Table program and it looks great! P.R. - Australia December 18th 1997 - Re Santa - Thank you so much for the Santa Screen Saver. I downloaded it and it works great. I really appreciate the time you gave to making this for Christmas. It is bringing happiness to me as I work on my computer. J.G. December 18th 1997 - Re Santa - It's a wonderful saver. The best Christmas one I've seen. You're outdoing yourself-----also notice the English influence, rooftops, and subtle humor, it's great. J.S. - U.S.A December 18th 1997 I really appreciate your help and consideration and I love your program very much and it is very informative, and I think that you are doing something very wonderful and helpful with your software programs, and I wish there were more programmers like you!!!! Thank You again, I will tell everyone I know about your wonderful programs!!!!!!!!!! December 17th 1997 - Re Pooh and Tigger - I think that your Screen Saver is absolutely wonderful. My roommates and I loved it even though we are well over the recommended age for viewing. I think that you did a wonderful job and if you do anymore I do hope that you will let me know. My nephew is almost two and learning to talk, pooh is a highly ranked word in his vocabulary-no matter how limited it may be. Again I thank you for making my exam week and my nephews day. Thank you and Merry Christmas. Hannah, Heather, Whitney, and Karen December 7th 1997 - Re Pooh and Tigger - Oh thank you sooooo much, I love it!!!! I've been searching for a tigger Screen Saver for soooo long. You've made my holiday season bright. Thanks again. Lori December 6th 1997 A really good screen saver ( I must be becoming a regular!) ,just a bit of feed back, my favourite one is the solar system -with Sea life a very close 2nd, Whereas my children love your Winnie the Poo with Adhd Tazmanian Devil as a 2nd. Keep up the good work. Graham - U.K. December 5th 1997 - Re SeaLife - I just finished installing it and it is beautiful. Also thank you for making it affordable..free. I am a PADI Divemaster and this is just like being under water. D.M. December 4th 1997 I wanted to let you know my children loved your taz, winnie and tigger screen savers. I would like to also let you know I took the liberty and downloaded the Princess Diana screen saver of which I can tell you brought tears to my eyes. I remember diana when I was a little girl. I remember waking up in the wee morning hours to watch her wedding. Every since that day Princess Diana was my role model she proved to the world that anything is possible if you just set your mind to it. Princess Diana was a great asset to the world and she will be greatly missed. I also want to thank you for the work you do for ADD there are not many people who understand this disease, so many times the children who suffer from it are greatly misunderstood in this world. December 4th 1997 - Re Pooh & Tigger - The screen saver is very cute and works well. I look forward to showing my best friend's 2 year old...she absolutely loves Poo! Thanks again! Lisa December 3rd 1997 - Re Guide To England - I want to thank you, for all of your programs, I know a lot of hard work, love and thought has gone in to your programs, I too have a 14 yr old hyper active add. We play your programs often, He likes the guide to England the best, Again I wanted to take this time to thank you for your dedication, and the help with the ADD . It is good to know people care.. T.T. December 3rd 1997 - Re Pooh & Tigger - Thank you for being the person who finally recognised Tiggers star potential. The Screen Saver is great, anymore? Becs December 3rd 1997 Many thanks for the update - the Screen Savers are stunning and the loading etc. thereof was very easy and problem free. I also found the Fossil site very interesting and proceeded to open all of the other 104 sites !!!!! Very long but enjoyable process. Please keep me on your update list. A.E. December 3rd 1997 - Re Pooh & Tigger - My 5 year old son really enjoys your Winnie the Pooh Screen Saver. He can spend forever just watching it. M.M. - South Africa December 3rd 1997 I want to let you know that I enjoyed receiving your email especially with a free new Screen Saver site, I like to update the new Screen Savers every now and then. (I don't have to look everywhere on the internet for a free Screen Saver - your email saves my time and money!) Keep up your work! C.W. - South Africa December 3rd 1997 - Re Times Tables - Thanks a Million for the TimesTables, My 9-Year Grandaughter is really learning her Tables with it. This is a Great Program! Our Schools should have this Program in all the Elementary Class's. Thanks again, and keep up the good work. R.J. - U.S.A December 3rd 1997 - Re Pooh & Tigger - O thoroughly love your "Pooh & Tigger" Screen Saver. What a joy it is. Thanks so much for making my computer so very interesting. Have passed this site onto my friends. Keep up the excellent work S.M. - Canada December 3rd 1997 - Re SeaLife - Sealife is one of the best screen savers I've seen. Download and application was a breeze. Keep up the good work!! J.T. December 2nd 1997 - Re ADHD Or What? - I am thankful for your site on add I have a 7 yr old daughter that has been diagnosed with add and a 4 yr old that I think has it but hasnt been tested yet they will not test her until she is in kindergarten but in my opinion she has it. I am always in search of information about this disease in order to make life easier for my children thank you from the bottom of my heart. D.A. - U.S.A. Grey Olltwit Software Home Page |
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