100% Genuine Feedback
Denise, UK
Thank you from me and all at High Street Primary School. Your excellent software is used on a daily basis by all of us !!
Sarah, New Zealand
We are a homeschool family and we have been using your website for nearly 10
months now. We think you're great! Keep up the fantastic work you do!
Warmest Regards
Trisha , UK
I have been using your educational software for years now and am really glad for a chance to say how FAB they are. They are better than any other I've found for educational purposes and a fraction of the price. All the kids who have used them at my school LOVE them and I think you are a very very clever man!!
Bertha, Canada
I found lots of freeware, but am happy to pay for the member programs and I have gotten more than my money's worth. I am a teacher and many of the programs are great in the classroom. Thanks for your hard work.
Kate, UK
My son has conduct disorder and refuses to go to school. This website has helped him to access the curriculum. Many Thanks.
Shaun, Canada
I have used your applications over the past 5 years for my 5 & 8 year olds. I am taking this time to thank you for efforts and
encourage you to continue to be the noble individual I perceive. I thank you very much.
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Educational Software
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Educational Software - 70 specific educational software applications covering subjects from the curriculum including Maths, English, Science, Geography, History, Art, Music, Information Technology, Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education.
Educational Games - 66 educational games to help with improving skills such as memory, reaction times, fine motor skills, understanding direction and angles, logical thinking, problem solving, strategy and forward planning.
Utilities Software - 23 simple, useful, utility applications to make tasks easier both in your life and on your computer, including graph making software, calorie and carbohydrate counters, block text replacer, stopwatch, photo viewer, mp3 player and many more.
Screen Savers - 80 fun and attractive screen savers to brighten up your computer with subjects including wildlife, cartoon characters, musicians, famous people and more.
Desktop Backgrounds - Lots of free photographs and pictures to cover and personalise your computer's background.
Free Software - A number of our educational software applications, games and utility programs are free, so try them out here. They are full versions and not demos, time limited or feature restricted like most supposed free software these days.
Free Screen Savers - Many of our screen savers are free so check out this section if it's screen savers you want. Like the free software above they are full versions and not demos, time limited or feature restricted.

All our software above is available on a single DVD or CD
With membership you get not 1, not 2 but over 200 titles, and all future ones we make and all their updates!
You also get our FREE Software DVD. All the applications on this site are originals made by Grey Olltwit Educational Software and are for PCs running Windows 95 or above e.g. Windows XP, 7, 8, 10 (Mac users click here). If you have a wireless tablet pc that doesn't run Windows, then many of my programmes are now Android versions on Amazon. For more information please see the Help file.
Our educational software and Free Downloads DO NOT Contain Adware, Spyware, Viruses, Toolbars Or Any Other Third Party Software
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Truly Genuine Feedback
Suzanne, USA
Thanks for the TERRIFIC software at a great price!
Fatima, Canada
Your programs are great. My children are
learning significantly better with your programs, than with programs
our distance ed school let us try out. Thank you for Your Dedication and Hard work to make learning easier for
a lot of children :)
Mary Beth, USA I've been a happy Olltwit user for years - I downloaded several of your programs back in '04, for my older son to use. Now it's time for my younger son to use them, and I've come back to your site to find 1) I owe you, and 2) you have more great stuff. I'm happy to pay up because I know the quality of your programs.
FC, South Africa
I have been using the software I downloaded almost every day and the way
your software brightens up the kids' faces each morning makes our day so
much easier. Thank you for the wonderful work you are doing.
Jerry, USA
Thank you for adding a personal touch and much value to your software programs. I have shared them with young and old and professional too, to find that everyone loves them for the same reasons . . . they are effective, easy to use, uncomplicated and family oriented. Qualities that are so very hard to find these days.
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