Keep Your Cool - ADHD Doris
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Suitable for UK Key Stage 2, 3, 4 & 5 - USA 2nd to 12th Grade (Age 7 - adult)
Recommended Minimum System: PC, Windows 95/NT4 or better e.g. XP, Vista, Windows 7, (Mac users click here), with 8MB Ram, Pentium 75, Sound Card. SVGA monitor.
An educational game to help with combating stress at work or school.
All people are victims of stress at one stage or another. If someone tells you they never suffer from stress then they are clinically dead. In this game you are Doris the chicken, a downtrodden employee, and you have to put up with litter lout Kevin from Accounts and the boss on the 2nd floor. No prizes for guessing what he's like.
Doris has the added disadvantage of trying to cope with a condition known as ADD or Attention Deficit Disorder but it equally could be any other misunderstood disorder. Her boss is not sympathetic and the usual label of 'Lazy' is bestowed on Doris, just as it is wrongly placed on many thousands of other workers.
Doris moves around on her own but you can change her direction by clicking on the arrow buttons at the bottom of the play area. Also you can change direction of the right hand lift on the 1st floor to up or down, by clicking on the lift call button. As Doris' health level drops so does her speed. Replenish her health as detailed below.
You earn points by carrying out the cleaning duties in the office. It soon becomes clear that your job is the most important of all as without you, the place would grind to a halt. The objects which you can left mouse click on are highlighted with a blue star when your mouse pointer passes over them whilst those that need you to right click have a red star. Left clicking on the following objects will help you to carry out your duties and earn points:
BROOM - Left click on the broom and click again when over Doris, to get her to go into sweeping mode. Cans etc., dropped by Kevin can be swept down into the basement and the rubbish chute. Left click on Doris again to put the broom back.
DUSTER - Use like the broom to wipe away the coffee and coke stains on the glass, made when Kevin drops his cans and cups.
BOSS' COFFEE - Get the boss' coffee by clicking on the cup in the coffee machine (which is just a few inches from HIS door) and handing it to him by allowing her to walk past him. If she misses the Boss, you can get rid of the coffee cup by clicking on another object such as the broom or duster.
THE RUBBISH BIN - On the first floor there is a large rubbish bin which by right clicking on you can empty for a quick 10 points or use the bin for some other purpose which will become apparent to you if you continue on this path to dismissal.
At the bottom of the screen your health and stress levels are shown as bars. While health slowly drops, stress rises. You can restore your health by left clicking on the cup of water at the water bottle and left clicking again when holding it over Doris. The same can be achieved with the bowl in the basement corn machine (well she is supposed to be a hen!!).
You can relieve stress in a number of ways using the right mouse button on certain objects. The objects which you can right mouse click on are highlighted with a red star when your mouse pointer passes over them. Right clicking on:
BOSS & KEVIN POSTERS - takes you to a little game where you can throw sucker tipped darts at pictures of your favourite colleagues. Although you can only move Doris's wing left and right, the up and down arrows also control how far up or down the dart goes when you press "F". Watch your stress level drop as you release the pent up emotions.
BASKETBALL HOOP - very similar to the above game except your shooting baskets by hitting the "S" key. Points will only be scored when you get a "basket" i.e. you have to be right on target. Control again is by the arrow keys.
OUTSIDE - next to the above game in your basement area is a door to the outside where you can take in a breath of air as your stress level falls.
STRESS TIPS - right clicking on the book on the shelf takes you to a list of my stress management tips.
Compressed file size - 840 KB.
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